Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Carpe Diem!!

My daddy inspires me:

I was in the room when the doctor tells us there is nothing more he can do for my dad. Only more medicine to add to his large daily regimen of colorful pills. For now his heart is stable, blood pressure uncontrollable. The doctor cannot fix my daddy. My dad sits there quietly through the news, smiles and leaves the room.
What would I do if I heard the news about me? I don't know.
We are driving home, thoughts are running through my mind. What is he thinking? Is he scared? Will he fall into depression like most people in his situation? His reaction to the news inspires me!!  

He goes to the barber. He says he needs to look his best!
The rest of the day, he laughs, enjoys his grandchildren. He asks for his son in law to join him for dinner in front of the television, watch a hockey game he will never understand. We had a great visit.

I need to seize the day! Conquer the fears of loss and look my best, smile that I am given another day of life. Enjoy my children, my love, and my family! I will enjoy every day I am granted with my dad. I will live it to the fullest because after all this daddy's girl has nothing to lose and all to gain!!!

CHALLENGE: Wake up. Sit at the edge of the bed and before you step off, smile:) Get up and look your best. Get your makeup, do your hair. You may not feel it but soon your beauty will inspire a brighter day. Walk with confidence, love your day. Every day!!

Seize the Day!!

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